Unclean Spirits is an art zine of illustrations based on Nikolai Gogol's horror folk short stories. Released in 2015 by Seventh Church Ministries, original edition of 75 with hand screened covers, full color interiors with a fold out centerfold image. Small second edition of 10 with black on colored paper covers.

"Over him something hung in the air which looked like a gigantic bladder covered with countless crabs' claws and scorpions stings..."- Viy, Nikolai Gogol

"Perhaps only the devil's chariot uses this bridge," he said. Grandad stepped out boldly, however, and before another man would have had time to get out his horn and take a pinch of snuff he was on the other side. Only now he saw that there were people sitting around a fire, and they had such charming pig-faces that at any other time God knows he would have given anything to escape making their acquaintance. In spite of his terror Grandad started laughing when he saw the devils, with their dogs' faces on their little German legs, wag their tails, twist, and turn about the witches, like our boys and their pretty girls... As soon as they saw Grandad they pressed around him in a crowd. Pig-faces, dog-faces, goat-faces, bird-faces, and horse-faces-- all craned forward, and here they were actually trying to kiss him" - The Lost Letter, Nikolai Gogol

"Maidens who have lost their souls rise up one after another from the depths of the Dnieper, their green tresses stream over their shoulders, the water drips splashing to the ground from their long hair; and a maiden shines through the water as through a veil of crystal; her lips smile mysteriously, her cheeks glow, her eyes bewitch the soul... as though she might burn with love, as though she might kiss one to death. Flee, Christian! Her lips are ice, her bed- the cold water; she will drag you under"
-Nikolai Gogol, A Terrible Vengeance

"No, no, that's not enough!" shouted Grandad, plucking up his courage and putting on his cap. "If my gallant horse is not standing before me at once, may a thunderbolt strike me dead in this foul place if I do not make the sign of the holy cross over all of you!" And he was just raising his hand to do it when the horse's bones rattled before him. "Here is your horse!" - The Lost Letter, Nikolai Gogol

"All at once a little flower began to turn red and move as though it were alive. It really was a marvel! It moved and grew bigger and bigger and turned red like a burning coal. A little star suddenly flashed, something snapped- and the flower opened before his eyes, shedding light on the others about it like a flame. "Now is the time!" thought Petro, and stretched out his hand. He saw that hundreds of shaggy hands were stretched from behind him toward it, and something seemed to be flitting to and fro behind his back."- St. John's Eve, Nikolai Gogol.

"A cross on one of the graves tottered and a withered corpse rose slowly out of the earth. Its beard reached to its waist, the nails on its fingers were longer than the fingers themselves. It slowly raised its hands upward. It's face was all twisted and distorted. One could see it was suffering terrible torments. " I am stifling, stifling!" it moaned in a strange inhuman voice. It's voice seemed to scrape on the heart like a knife, and suddenly it disappeared under the earth...Another cross tottered and again a dead body came forth, more frightening and taller than the one before; it was all hairy with a beard to its knees and even longer claws. Still more terribly it shouted: "I am stifling!" and vanished into the earth. A third cross tottered, a third corpse appeared. It seemed like a skeleton rising from the earth; its beard reached to its heels; the nails on it's fingers pierced the ground. Terribly it raised its hands toward the sky as though it would seize the moon, and shrieked as though someone were sawing its yellow bones" -A Terrible Vengeance, Nikolai Gogol

"Her face wore a bluish tint like that of one who has been several days dead. Thomas had not the courage to look at her, so terrible was her appearance; her teeth chattered and she opened her dead eyes, but as in her rage she saw nothing, she turned in an another direction and felt with outstretched arms among the pillars and corners of the church in the hope of seizing him."-Viy, Nikolai Gogol.

"Sweet it is to look from mid-Dnieper at the lofty mountains, at the broad meadows, at the green forests! Those mountains are not mountains; they end in peaks below as above, and both under and above them lie the heavens. Those forests on the hills are not forests; they are the hair that covers the shaggy head of the wood demon. Down below he washes his beard in the water, and under his beard and over his head lie the high heavens. Those meadows are not meadows; they are a green girdle encircling the round sky; and above and below the moon hovers over them"
- A Terrible Vengeance, Nikolai Gogol

"Bring the Viy! Bring the Viy!" cried the witch. A sudden silence followed; the howling of wolves was heard in the distance, and soon heavy footsteps resounded through the church. Thomas looked up furtively and saw that an ungainly human figure with crooked legs was being led into the church. He was quite covered with black soil, and his hands and feet resembled knotted roots. He trod heavily and stumbled at every step. His eyelids were of enormous length. With terror, Thomas saw that his face was of iron. They led him in by the arms and placed him near Thomas's circle. "Raise my eyelids! I can't see anything!" said the Viy in a dull, hollow voice, and they all hastened to help in doing so."Don't look!" an inner voice warned the philosopher; but he could not restrain from looking. "There he is!" exclaimed the Viy, pointing an iron finger at him; and all the monsters rushed on him at once." - Viy, Nikolai Gogol

"Frantic, he seized the knife and the blood of the innocent child spurted into his eyes... Devilish laughter broke out all around him. Hideous monsters galloped in herds before him. Clutching the headless corpse in her hands, the witch drank the blood like a wolf...His head was in a whirl! With a desperate effort he started running. Everything around him was bathed in a red light. The trees all bathed in blood seemed to be burning and moaning."
St. John's Eve- Nikolai Gogol

"Meanwhile the devil stole silently up to the moon and stretched his hand out to seize it, but drew it back quickly as though he were scorched, sucked his fingers and danced about, then ran up from the other side and again skipped away and drew back his hand. But in spite of all his failures the sly devil did not give up his tricks. Running up, he suddenly seized the moon with both hands; grimacing and blowing, he kept flinging it from one hand to the other, like a peasant who has picked up an ember for his pipe with bare fingers; at last, he hurriedly put it in his pocket and ran on as though nothing had happened"- Christmas Eve, Nikolai Gogol

"The hag vanished and a child of about seven in a white shirt, with its head covered, was standing in the middle of the hut....the veil flew off. "Ivas!" cried Pidorka and rushed up to him, but the ghost was covered from head to foot with blood..." -St. John's Eve, Nikolai Gogol

"When the priest came he stood amazed at such a desecration of God's house, and did not venture to read prayers there. The church remained standing as it was, with the monsters hanging on the windows and the door. Gradually it became overgrown with creepers, bushes, and wild heather, and no one can discover it now."- Nikolai Gogol, Viy

"...something white like a cloud hovered in the middle of the room; and it seemed to Danilo that the cloud was not a cloud but that a woman was standing there; but what was she made of? Surely not of air? Why did she stand without touching the floor, without leaning on anything, why did the rosy light and the magic symbols on the wall show through her? " - A Terrible Vengeance, Nikolai Gogol

"Who is he, where goes he, and why? Who knows? Not one day nor two has he been traveling over the mountains. Day breaks, the sun shines and he is seen no more; only from time to time the mountain people behold a long shadow flitting over the mountains though the sky is bright and there is no cloud upon it. But as soon as night brings back the darkness, he appears again and is reflected in the lakes and his quivering shadow follows him"- Nikolai Gogol, A Terrible Vengeance

Unclean Spirits is an art zine of illustrations based on Nikolai Gogol's horror folk short stories. Released in 2015 by Seventh Church Ministries, original edition of 75 with hand screened covers, full color interiors with a fold out centerfold image. Small second edition of 10 with black on colored paper covers.
"Over him something hung in the air which looked like a gigantic bladder covered with countless crabs' claws and scorpions stings..."- Viy, Nikolai Gogol
"Perhaps only the devil's chariot uses this bridge," he said. Grandad stepped out boldly, however, and before another man would have had time to get out his horn and take a pinch of snuff he was on the other side. Only now he saw that there were people sitting around a fire, and they had such charming pig-faces that at any other time God knows he would have given anything to escape making their acquaintance. In spite of his terror Grandad started laughing when he saw the devils, with their dogs' faces on their little German legs, wag their tails, twist, and turn about the witches, like our boys and their pretty girls... As soon as they saw Grandad they pressed around him in a crowd. Pig-faces, dog-faces, goat-faces, bird-faces, and horse-faces-- all craned forward, and here they were actually trying to kiss him" - The Lost Letter, Nikolai Gogol
"Maidens who have lost their souls rise up one after another from the depths of the Dnieper, their green tresses stream over their shoulders, the water drips splashing to the ground from their long hair; and a maiden shines through the water as through a veil of crystal; her lips smile mysteriously, her cheeks glow, her eyes bewitch the soul... as though she might burn with love, as though she might kiss one to death. Flee, Christian! Her lips are ice, her bed- the cold water; she will drag you under"
-Nikolai Gogol, A Terrible Vengeance
"No, no, that's not enough!" shouted Grandad, plucking up his courage and putting on his cap. "If my gallant horse is not standing before me at once, may a thunderbolt strike me dead in this foul place if I do not make the sign of the holy cross over all of you!" And he was just raising his hand to do it when the horse's bones rattled before him. "Here is your horse!" - The Lost Letter, Nikolai Gogol
"All at once a little flower began to turn red and move as though it were alive. It really was a marvel! It moved and grew bigger and bigger and turned red like a burning coal. A little star suddenly flashed, something snapped- and the flower opened before his eyes, shedding light on the others about it like a flame. "Now is the time!" thought Petro, and stretched out his hand. He saw that hundreds of shaggy hands were stretched from behind him toward it, and something seemed to be flitting to and fro behind his back."- St. John's Eve, Nikolai Gogol.
"A cross on one of the graves tottered and a withered corpse rose slowly out of the earth. Its beard reached to its waist, the nails on its fingers were longer than the fingers themselves. It slowly raised its hands upward. It's face was all twisted and distorted. One could see it was suffering terrible torments. " I am stifling, stifling!" it moaned in a strange inhuman voice. It's voice seemed to scrape on the heart like a knife, and suddenly it disappeared under the earth...Another cross tottered and again a dead body came forth, more frightening and taller than the one before; it was all hairy with a beard to its knees and even longer claws. Still more terribly it shouted: "I am stifling!" and vanished into the earth. A third cross tottered, a third corpse appeared. It seemed like a skeleton rising from the earth; its beard reached to its heels; the nails on it's fingers pierced the ground. Terribly it raised its hands toward the sky as though it would seize the moon, and shrieked as though someone were sawing its yellow bones" -A Terrible Vengeance, Nikolai Gogol
"Her face wore a bluish tint like that of one who has been several days dead. Thomas had not the courage to look at her, so terrible was her appearance; her teeth chattered and she opened her dead eyes, but as in her rage she saw nothing, she turned in an another direction and felt with outstretched arms among the pillars and corners of the church in the hope of seizing him."-Viy, Nikolai Gogol.
"Sweet it is to look from mid-Dnieper at the lofty mountains, at the broad meadows, at the green forests! Those mountains are not mountains; they end in peaks below as above, and both under and above them lie the heavens. Those forests on the hills are not forests; they are the hair that covers the shaggy head of the wood demon. Down below he washes his beard in the water, and under his beard and over his head lie the high heavens. Those meadows are not meadows; they are a green girdle encircling the round sky; and above and below the moon hovers over them"
- A Terrible Vengeance, Nikolai Gogol
"Bring the Viy! Bring the Viy!" cried the witch. A sudden silence followed; the howling of wolves was heard in the distance, and soon heavy footsteps resounded through the church. Thomas looked up furtively and saw that an ungainly human figure with crooked legs was being led into the church. He was quite covered with black soil, and his hands and feet resembled knotted roots. He trod heavily and stumbled at every step. His eyelids were of enormous length. With terror, Thomas saw that his face was of iron. They led him in by the arms and placed him near Thomas's circle. "Raise my eyelids! I can't see anything!" said the Viy in a dull, hollow voice, and they all hastened to help in doing so."Don't look!" an inner voice warned the philosopher; but he could not restrain from looking. "There he is!" exclaimed the Viy, pointing an iron finger at him; and all the monsters rushed on him at once." - Viy, Nikolai Gogol
"Frantic, he seized the knife and the blood of the innocent child spurted into his eyes... Devilish laughter broke out all around him. Hideous monsters galloped in herds before him. Clutching the headless corpse in her hands, the witch drank the blood like a wolf...His head was in a whirl! With a desperate effort he started running. Everything around him was bathed in a red light. The trees all bathed in blood seemed to be burning and moaning."
St. John's Eve- Nikolai Gogol
"Meanwhile the devil stole silently up to the moon and stretched his hand out to seize it, but drew it back quickly as though he were scorched, sucked his fingers and danced about, then ran up from the other side and again skipped away and drew back his hand. But in spite of all his failures the sly devil did not give up his tricks. Running up, he suddenly seized the moon with both hands; grimacing and blowing, he kept flinging it from one hand to the other, like a peasant who has picked up an ember for his pipe with bare fingers; at last, he hurriedly put it in his pocket and ran on as though nothing had happened"- Christmas Eve, Nikolai Gogol
"The hag vanished and a child of about seven in a white shirt, with its head covered, was standing in the middle of the hut....the veil flew off. "Ivas!" cried Pidorka and rushed up to him, but the ghost was covered from head to foot with blood..." -St. John's Eve, Nikolai Gogol
"When the priest came he stood amazed at such a desecration of God's house, and did not venture to read prayers there. The church remained standing as it was, with the monsters hanging on the windows and the door. Gradually it became overgrown with creepers, bushes, and wild heather, and no one can discover it now."- Nikolai Gogol, Viy
"...something white like a cloud hovered in the middle of the room; and it seemed to Danilo that the cloud was not a cloud but that a woman was standing there; but what was she made of? Surely not of air? Why did she stand without touching the floor, without leaning on anything, why did the rosy light and the magic symbols on the wall show through her? " - A Terrible Vengeance, Nikolai Gogol
"Who is he, where goes he, and why? Who knows? Not one day nor two has he been traveling over the mountains. Day breaks, the sun shines and he is seen no more; only from time to time the mountain people behold a long shadow flitting over the mountains though the sky is bright and there is no cloud upon it. But as soon as night brings back the darkness, he appears again and is reflected in the lakes and his quivering shadow follows him"- Nikolai Gogol, A Terrible Vengeance